

RAGE DRIVER HAS ARRIVE TO INDONESIA. IMPERIAL GOLF COUSE DRIVING RANGE on December 7th at 10:00 am - 11.30 am continue at PGA Driving Range at 02:00

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GS 95

The all-new GS95, a lightweight steel shaft that is easy to swing and gives a great ‘graphite-like’ feel.

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I can’t imagine in Indonesia has such good team work of club fitters. Not only the quality of work, but also the services. I had purchase the shaft (Enzo shaft for my wood#3) from Fit One at Sudirman, when I play at Imperial Golf Course, I feel not 100% comfortable yet for my wood #3, so I readjust at Fit One locate in Imperial, and they give me free of charge, now I feel 100% confidence with my wood#3. Thank you Mr. Yusman at Imperial and Mr. Wawan at Sudirman. Good team work.

~ Sugihira

Keep the good work FIT ONE. I am comfortable with NS PRO V90 on my sets. Thanks Pak Budi dan Pak Wawan at PGA.

~ Inoshita


I can’t imagine in Indonesia has such good team work of club fitters. Not only the quality of work, but also the services. I had purchase the shaft (Enzo shaft for my wood#3) from Fit One at Sudirman, when I play at Imperial Golf Course, I feel not 100% comfortable yet for my wood #3, so I readjust at Fit One locate in Imperial, and they give me free of charge, now I feel 100% confidence with my wood#3. Thank you Mr. Yusman at Imperial and Mr. Wawan at Sudirman. Good team work.


Keep the good work FIT ONE. I am comfortable with NS PRO V90 on my sets. Thanks Pak Budi dan Pak Wawan at PGA.


Good Job Fit One at PGA Driving Range, you guys very professional in fitting my club, I had fit before in US, I end up readjust my swing weight at FIT ONE PGA, now I had fit my whole set and trust my clubs to Mr. Budi.


Saya pakai Iron Head yang blade yang menurut orang-orang bagus. Dan menurut saya juga gagah. Tetapi setelah saya pakai beberapa kali, pukulan saya tidak bisa jauh dan tidak stabil. Saya berpikir mungkin karena swing saya yang belum baik, karena saya baru main golf satu tahun. Kebetulan saya sedang Driving di Cilandak. Saya didatangi fitter Fit-One yang melihat pukulan saya yang menurut mereka kurang maksimal, sulit lurus dan tidak naik. Setelah di cek, mereka menawarkan untuk mencoba produk mereka type cavity back merk Lynx Xelect II, akhirnya saya mau mencoba karena menurut mereka kesalahan saya bukan di pukulan saya tetapi karena head yang saya pakai type blade yang lebih cocok untuk pemain-pemain professional. Ternyata setelah saya coba, pukulan saya lebih lurus dan tinggi sesuai keinginan saya. Akhirnya sayapun mengganti Iron Set blade saya dengan Lynx Xelect II dan saya cukup puas dengan hasil yang sekarang saya capai.


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